Frequently asked questions

For general information on hospice care, please see What is hospice care?

Who are your services for?

Our services are for those who have a life-limiting illness, desire hospice care, and live in Arizona State.

What areas do you serve?

We currently have facilities within the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.

What languages do you speak?

Our staff is multi-cultural and speaks English, Spanish, and other languages.

Will my insurance cover your services?

Hospice care can be paid for from a variety of sources, including Medicare and others. We’re here to help you get clarity on your insurance benefits – click here to schedule a free consultation.

How do I sign up for hospice care?
  1. Call 1833-396-2273 to speak to one of our friendly team members, who will explain the setup process and outline our packages.
  2. Our care manager comes to you for a free, no-obligation assessment. We discuss your needs and answer any questions you have, allowing us to set up a perfect service for you.
  3. Once agreed upon, we will set up your care package and introduce you to your care worker.
Can I keep my current doctor if I sign up for your services?

Yes, if you prefer, you can keep your current doctor while on hospice care. We work closely with your doctor to get a full picture of your health so that we can make you as comfortable as possible.

I am Jewish/ Christian/ Muslim/ Hindu/ Buddhist/ athiest/ other. Will your spiritual services be relevant to me?

Absolutely. We are proud to be respectful of all religions, beliefs, and values – and we work hard to accommodate personal, spiritual, religious, or cultural preferences, whatever they may be.

Will I be pressured to meditate, pray, or any other spiritual service you offer?

No! We meet our patients where they are; if they express a wish or preference, we are there to fulfill it. But we never push an agenda on anyone – our only agenda is your well-being.

Do all hospices offer spiritual services?

Unfortunately, no. Many offer only physical and medical care, leaving their patients in a wrenching situation, emotionally and spiritually speaking. And sadly, many hospices claim they do offer spiritual care when all they are really offering is someone coming to play guitar or have a chat. True spiritual care is much broader and deeper than that.

Why should I choose hospice care over hospital care for someone who is at end-of-life?

There are numerous reasons why hospice care is the preferred choice over hospital care:

  • Cost. Hospice care is typically much less expensive than hospital treatment.
  • The patient receives private care in their own home, receiving 24/7 supervision while still feeling comfortable and relaxed.
  • The patient avoids exposure to other patients’ illnesses and diseases.
  • There’s more opportunity to spend time with family and create meaningful moments.
  • Spiritual Care Hospice also provides emotional and spiritual professional care for the patient and family, which makes a tremendous impact.
  • Note that both the social worker, chaplain, and director of nurses also provide care for the patient’s family, not just for the patient.
I understand why hospice is a good choice. But why should I choose Spiritual Care Hospice over other hospice services?
  1. We’re available 24/7. Call us any time of day or night – we’re always here for you.
  2. Excellent medical care is only the beginning. We care for the spirit along with the body, taking care to meet each individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs during this critical time.
  3. Our treatment is highly individualized and delivered with genuine warmth and concern, as one would for a family member.

Have a different question? You can reach out to us directly here.